Each movement is meticulously crafted, right down to the tremor of a toe.
Blanaru's haunting images appear like cinematic representations of demonic possession
The Examiner
Dublin Dance Festival
Surgical precision of gestures, Blanaru's performance plunged into turmoil.
AURORA grew out of a question that kept coming back to me: How much of who I am really comes from within myself, and how much has been carved and shaped by society's norms. I guess I was asking who I am.
The more I dived into this question, the answer seemed to be pushed further away beyond my reach. I didn't know how to connect to such a raw place. I doubted everything. Then I approached the topic of wild children (Feral children) - Children that spent the first few years of their life with no human contact, either raised by animals or secluded by abusive parents. I wondered how they would behave, how they would move. Through this filter I was able to connect to an inner place within myself that felt untouched.
In my research I came across the story of Genie - a child that had spent the first 13 years of her life strapped to a potty chair, locked isolated in a room by abusive parents. After her discovery in 1970 she continued to be passed on between different authorities, scientists and social workers. While Genie's story is a heartbreaking tale of abuse, I was deeply inspired by her development of an alternate human physicality. People seemed to be drawn to her. so was I.
This piece is dedicated to her.
In another life she could have been anything she'd wanted.
Creation & Performance: Meytal Blanaru
Music: Noam Dorembus
Costume design: Ya’arit Eliyahu